Legal Advice

This website is the only official website of XVIOLINS, registered trademark of Maiol Xercavins Simó, with NIF 52592280C, ans has the e-mail, which is one of the ways of electronic contact.


The intellectual property rights of the site,, its source code, design, navigation structure, database and the different elements contained therein are property of XVIOLINS and it is to whom the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of these in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
The information published to the website is owned by XVIOLINS and its authors and are considered protected works in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the text rewritten by the Law of Intellectual property, and the intellectual treaties signed in this field are equally applicable.

Terms of use

These general conditions regulate the access and use of the website (hereinafter the Web), which XVIOLINS makes freely availabe to Internet users. This access implies its acceptance without reservations.
The user agrees to use the services and information provided by XVIOLINSaccording to the criteria of good faith and respecting in all cases the general principles of use generally accepted and without contravening public order and current legislation.

Allowed uses

The visualization, printing and partial downloading of the Webcontent is authorized only if the following conditions are met:

1. That is compatible with the purpose of the Web.
2. That is done with the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained for personal and private use or for distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation.
3. That none of the contents related to the Web can be modified in any way.
4. That no graphic, icon or imagesavailable on the Web cannot be used, copied or distributed without its context (text or group of images).

Domain reservations

XVIOLINS reserves the right to make at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in the Web, the configuration and the presentation of this and the conditions of access.


1. Disclaimer for content or operation of the website

XVIOLINS does not guarantee the lack of interruptions or errors in accessing the Web or its content, or that it is updated, XVIOLINS will perform all these tasks to correct errors, restore communications and update the contents, provided no causes appear that make it impossible or difficult to implement, and as soon as we hear of errors, disconnections or lack of updating content.

2. Exemption from responsibilities for the use of the website

Both the access to the Web and the non-consensual use that may be made of the information it contains is the sole responsibility of the user who makes it, XVIOLINS shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may derive from this access or use.
XVIOLINS will not be responsible for security errors that may occur or for any damage that may cause to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored in it, as a result of:

1. the presence of viruses or other malicious software on the user’s computer that is used for connection to the services and contents of the Web.
2. a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions. The user agrees to use the website, its contents and services in accordance with the law and in this legal notice. The user will abstain at all times from using any of the information or services for illicit, prohibited or harmful purposes for the interests of third parties.

Prohibited uses

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the Web, its resale, as well as the infringement of the rights of the Intellectual or Industrial Property of XVIOLINS will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
All third party links to the Web must be to the main page, and “deep links”, “framing” and any other use of the Web’s content in favor of unauthorized third parties are expressly prohibited.


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Own cookies are used for three differentiated concepts:

– To keep the user session in case it is identified to make use of the services provided.
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In the third case, these cookies expire one year after their creation.

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These cookies are managed by the Google Analytics application.

This service is managed by Google , which provides treatment services statistical data anonymously, and therefore it does not collect personal information.
This company may use the data to improve their own services, either in their own products or in third-party products.
You can check all the information concerning this application and its data protection policy at Google Analytics Privacy statement.
This anonymous information help us improve our services based on the visitors experience.

By browsing or using our services you agree to our use of cookies, although the warning about the use of cookies will keep showing until you click the “Accept” button.
However, at any time, the user can prevent the generation of cookies and delete them by selecting the appropriate option in the browser:

If cookies are deleted, it means that the user does not want to use this website. Any subsequent visit imply the acceptance of the terms described above.

2024 Xviolins Music Gifts